Don’t Let Concerns Of Safety Keep You From Visiting The Chiropractor

Many scientific studies have indicated that chiropractic care is safe and effective for treating back pain, neck pain and headaches. Still, many people stay away from the chiropractor because they have head false myths such as "chiropractors are quacks," "chiropractic adjustments can leave you paralyzed," and "chiropractic adjustments hurt." Before you dismiss chiropractic care as a treatment option for your condition, have a look at these real facts: Approximately one million patients undergo chiropractic treatment each day in the United States. Read More 

Smooth Ride: Knee Scooters Offer Several Advantages Over Traditional Crutches

If you've injured your lower leg and have been trying -- unsuccessfully -- to use crutches, start looking at knee scooters or knee walkers. These are crutch alternatives that reduce a lot of the physical strain that comes with trying to use two relatively unstable sticks as walking aids. While many people do use crutches successfully, sometimes different factors can make the crutches quite difficult to deal with. Crutch alternatives like knee scooters provide an easier way to move, though there are some major considerations. Read More