
Prevention And Treatment Options For Vulvar Vestibulitis

Vulvar vestibulitis is pain that occurs in in the entrance to the vagina. Some women who encounter this burning or otherwise irritating sensation might fear they have a sexually transmitted disease, but this is not the case. There is no specific cause for this problem, but there are a variety of ways that the problem can be alleviated. If you fear you have this problem, consult your doctor, but in the meantime, try some of these prevention and treatment options. Read More 

3 Questions To Ask When Your Obstetrician Recommends An Induction

At some point near the end of your pregnancy, your obstetrician may tell you that he or she wants to schedule you for an induction. An induction is when the doctor takes steps to get your labor started artificially. While the induction rates in the United States have been falling, at least for women at 37 or 38 weeks of pregnancy, the induction rate is still above 18%, which means that many women will encounter a recommendation for induction during their childbearing years. Read More 

Nutritional Deficiencies That Can Affect Your Child’s Behavior

Is your formerly well-mannered child acting out? Are you finding that he or she is beginning to exhibit anti-social behaviors or are becoming unusually aggressive? Before you become overly anxious and start looking into psychiatric intervention or behavioral drugs, you may want to first examine your child's diet. It may be that foods your child is eating are missing or are deficient in the essential vitamins or minerals that are needed to regulate behavior. Read More 

Safe Winter Outings For Assisted- And Independent Living Seniors

The cold weather months are some of the most challenging for seniors and caregivers like ComForcare Home Care Mountainside, NJ. With a higher risk of health and safety hazards, from easily transmitted illnesses to low temperatures and increased risk of falls, the winter poses significant hardships for the elderly. The emotional and social well-being of seniors takes a a toll as well, as isolation and a lack of interaction can lead to blues or outright depression. Read More 

How To Identify Symptoms For, Diagnose, And Treat Recurrent Corneal Erosion Syndrome

Regular eye checkup appointments are crucial in ensuring that minor problems are quickly identified. Adults between the age of 20 and 30 should get an eye exam every 2 years. One of the most common ocular conditions diagnosed is known as the recurrent corneal erosion syndrome (RCES). The statistics involving the frequency of which RCES occurs has not yet been verified due to the fact that RCES is quite often misdiagnosed. This article will dive into what RCES is, how to identify the symptoms, and how to diagnose and treat the syndrome. Read More