
Nutritional Deficiencies That Can Affect Your Child’s Behavior

Is your formerly well-mannered child acting out? Are you finding that he or she is beginning to exhibit anti-social behaviors or are becoming unusually aggressive? Before you become overly anxious and start looking into psychiatric intervention or behavioral drugs, you may want to first examine your child's diet. It may be that foods your child is eating are missing or are deficient in the essential vitamins or minerals that are needed to regulate behavior. Read More 

Common Optometry Questions Addressed

A person's ability to see is arguably the most important sense, but there are many conditions that can cause your vision to deteriorate over time. Sadly, this can reach a point where a person can be classified as disabled. Luckily, optometrists are individuals that have the training and experience needed to help individuals keep their sense of vision sharp. Yet, most people do not visit these medical professionals very frequently, and there are a couple of questions that they may need answered. Read More 

The Tests You Should Have If You Think You Have A Gluten Allergy

Increasingly more people are being diagnosed with celiac disease, a condition in which the immune system attacks the small intestines when foods containing gluten are ingested. In essence, having celiac disease means that you have a gluten allergy. It is estimated that 1 in 133 Americans have a gluten allergy. If you think you might be one of them, there are a number of tests that a doctor can conduct to determine if you have a gluten allergy. Read More 

Safe Winter Outings For Assisted- And Independent Living Seniors

The cold weather months are some of the most challenging for seniors and caregivers like ComForcare Home Care Mountainside, NJ. With a higher risk of health and safety hazards, from easily transmitted illnesses to low temperatures and increased risk of falls, the winter poses significant hardships for the elderly. The emotional and social well-being of seniors takes a a toll as well, as isolation and a lack of interaction can lead to blues or outright depression. Read More 

Don’t Let Concerns Of Safety Keep You From Visiting The Chiropractor

Many scientific studies have indicated that chiropractic care is safe and effective for treating back pain, neck pain and headaches. Still, many people stay away from the chiropractor because they have head false myths such as "chiropractors are quacks," "chiropractic adjustments can leave you paralyzed," and "chiropractic adjustments hurt." Before you dismiss chiropractic care as a treatment option for your condition, have a look at these real facts: Approximately one million patients undergo chiropractic treatment each day in the United States. Read More